Simulating TSO data with Mirage

Mirage can be used to simulate both grism and imaging time series data for NIRCam. Grism Time Series Observations (TSO) are constructed using the module. Imaging TSO data are produced using the same module that is used for standard imaging observations.

The easiest way to see how to create both types of TSO data is by reading through the TSO example notebook.

Yaml files

Generation of the appropriate input yaml files from an APT file is fully supported, as with other observing modes. Note that TSO observations often include a target acquisition (TA) exposure at the beginning of the observation. Mirage will generate a yaml file corresponding to the TA exposure in addition to the TSO exposure. Further, when simulating Grism Time Series observations, the two shortwave detectors with the save field of view as the lower half of the longwave detector will collect imaging time series data of the scene that is dispersed in the long wave detector. Mirage also generates yaml files for these accompanying observations.

User Inputs

As shown in the TSO example notebook, there are several required user inputs that are unique to TSO data. These inputs are listed in the subsections below. See the notebook for details on how to create each of these inputs.

Mirage uses two TSO-specific types of source catalogs. Descriptions of the **GrismTSOCatalog** and **ImagingTSOCatalog** are given on the catalogs page.

Note that Mirage relies on the Batman package to generate and work with lightcurves. Many of the input quantities required in the Grism TSO catalog are Batman-specific.

Both Grism and Imaging TSO data

  • Background source catalog: Point source, galaxy, or extended source catalog containing any background sources you wish to include in the simulation.

Grism TSO data

  • SED file of TSO target: This is the spectrum of the unocculted star associated with the TSO object.

  • Transmission spectrum of planet: Wavelength-dependent effective radius of the planet, in units of the stellar radius.

  • Grism TSO source catalog: Mirage-specific source catalog containing all information relevant to the source

Imaging TSO data

  • Lightcurve file: Tabulated list of the parent body’s flux versus time

  • Imaging TSO source catalog: Mirage-specific source catalog containing all information relevant to the source

Dark_prep files (optional)

If you have a fits file containing a dark current exposure that is the proper format (linearized, with the correct readout pattern and array size) for the simulated data you are creating, you can provide this via the override_dark keyword parameter. This will cause the dark current preparation step to be skipped, which will save some computing time. In practice, the only way to have a fits file with the properly formatted dark current exposure will be from previous runs of the imaging simulator (or dark prep step).

In the case where a single dark file is needed, it can be provided as a string or a 1-element list. In cases where the exposure is broken into segments and there are multiple dark files, these files must be provided as a list. For TSO observations, the latter case is much more likely.

For a grism TSO observation, darks can be provided as such:

from mirage.grism_tso_simulator import GrismTSO

sed_file = 'test_grism_tso_sed_file_wasp79.hdf5'
gr_tso_yaml_file = 'jw88888001001_01101_00002_nrca5.yaml'
darks_to_use = ['jw88888001001_01101_00002_nrca5_uncal_seg001_linear_dark_prep_object.fits',

m = GrismTSO(gr_tso_yaml_file, SED_file=sed_file, SED_normalizing_catalog_column=None,
             final_SED_file=None, save_dispersed_seed=True, source_stamps_file=None,
             extrapolate_SED=True, override_dark=None, disp_seed_filename=None, orders=["+1", "+2"])

For an imaging TSO observation, the call the call looks the same as for regular imaging observations.